Fostering Panther Pride
Helping Homeless Students Thrive
“Hope” is the word that junior Vanessa Morales uses to describe FIU and the Fostering Panther Pride program, because hope is what both gave her when she needed it the most.
From all outward appearances, Morales has always been an average 21-year-old junior who works hard and studies harder. She has an inspiring dedication to her education. She is a bright, enthusiastic and intelligent young woman.
But earlier this year, she was found by FIU Police sleeping in her car on the Modesto A. Maidique Campus. Up until the moment they began knocking on her window, she would have never used the word “homeless” to describe herself.
Growing up in a normal home – with food on her plate, a roof over her head, and a bed to sleep in – Morales never could have imagined that these norms would disappear. But one day, her world was turned upside down. Her father had been going through relationship issues and decided it was time for her to move out. She had two options – move to Central Florida where her mother and brothers live, or stay in Miami and finish her education. She chose her education.”

Morales spent nights sleeping in her car, at friends’ houses – most of whom had no idea she was even homeless – or, when her paycheck was high enough, at a hotel. “Sleeping at the hotel was always the most fun. And if the rate included free breakfast, I had hit the jackpot,” she said.
She had convinced herself that this was just her current reality, and never felt that she needed to ask anyone for help. She describes the day that police found her as being “overwhelmingly emotional.” It was the first time someone had offered to help her, and, most importantly, it was the first time she admitted to needing help.
Morales was brought to the Fostering Panther Pride office and introduced to Ana Ramos, a success coach at FIU. Ramos comforted her and explained how the program would help her. Morales was able to move into a dorm that same day.
Ramos and all of the Fostering Panther Pride success coaches are there to be a beacon of support for students like Morales. The coaches not only encourage students academically, but also support them every single day in whatever capacity they need.
Foster care and homelessness is a reality that many students face, and education can quickly become a low priority when students must support themselves. They often choose to leave school because they are unfamiliar with the access to resources.Fostering Panther Pride offers customized services that provide students who identify as being part of the foster care or homeless population with opportunities to succeed academically and graduate in good standing from a top-tier public research university. Throughout the academic year, students participate in program services and receive endless support from FIU success coaches like Ramos.
Ramos said she hopes to provide students with a sense of security and help them fulfill any needs they may have. “You are going to face challenges, but the important thing is that you reach out and keep going.”
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